Fixin' Up the Garden This Week-end >>> Trees Atlanta & Forest Park Farmers Market

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fingers crossed our cooler temperatures stay put for the duration, 'cause all it makes me feel like doing is take in all of Fall's bounty.....  Planting in the garden, apple picking, pumpkin patches, the earthy rainbow colors of dried corn, to name a few.  

Tomorrow morning, 10/9, add the Trees Atlanta Annual Tree Sale to your week-end "honey-do" list.  What a fun neighborhood event, held at the Trees Atlanta Cabbagetown warehouse.  Come check an assortment of large to small plantings, unique items not typically found at your landscape supply stores.  Pick up a wheelbarrow as you enter and start garden shopping.  Plenty of Trees Atlanta staff is on hand to be of any help & answer any questions. Click here for more info.  

Trees Atlanta Tree Sale

Halloween is weeks away and our neighborhood has already started to decorate in anticipation.  I like to head to the Forest Park Farmers Market (its more formal name, The State Famers Market) for all my decorating needs.  Forest Park is located just past the airport, south on I-75, and is right off the interstate.  This is more of a open air commercial style market, its large aisles allow you to drive your car from vendor to vendor and stock up as needed. I look for the tall dried cornstalks - they get tied to the columns on our front porch; the selection of pumpkins & gourds is almost mind boggling - I pick out my favorites (usually the uglier the better), in rich tones & stripes to add holiday whimsy.  Forest Park also sells an abundance of veggies & fruit (perfect time for apples), and landscape flowers & plants - we shop for colorful mums & pansys.  All of these beauties keep right through Thanksgiving as well.  Click here for directions & contact number.

Pumpkins at Forest Park Farmers Market
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