Peter Sarsgaard & RSRV Channel

Friday, September 7, 2012

Peter Sarsgaard

Actor Peter Sarsgaard is featured on a recent episode of Dr. Frank Lipman's online series, Be Well Week; Be Well Weekend, featured on RSRV Channel. The topic for discussion is how Sarsgaard turned to Dr. Lipman over 2 years ago, not only looking to shed some pounds, but reconnect with an overall healthier lifestyle. In an effort to pin point certain foods causing negative reactions within his body, Dr. Lipman recommended Sarsgaard follow his elimination diet, removing caffeine, dairy, gluten, alcohol, sugar, soy, corn, & cigarettes from his daily diet. Within in a matter of weeks, Sarsgaard found himself losing weight and surge in energy, while also recognizing certain foods that seemed to rule his life.

Two plus years later, Sarsgaard maintains a clean diet, complete with his homemade smoothies, and is an active runner, running sometimes 60 miles a week....  I noticed him recently photographed running in the streets of NYC, looking pretty lean and toned....  Watch the 2 attached videos below to learn more from Dr. Lipman and Sarsgaard's personal journey.

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